§ 78A-2-304. Effect of filing affidavit -- Nonprisoner.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Upon the filing of the oath or affirmation with any Utah court by a nonprisoner, the court shall review the affidavit and make an independent determination based on the information provided whether court costs and fees should be waived entirely or in part. Notwithstanding the party's statement of inability to pay court costs, the court shall require a partial or full filing fee where the financial information provided demonstrates an ability to pay a fee.
    (2) In instances where fees or costs are completely waived, the court shall immediately file any complaint or papers on appeal and do what is necessary or proper as promptly as if the litigant had fully paid all the regular fees. The constable or sheriff shall immediately serve any summonses, writs, process and subpoenas, and papers necessary or proper in the prosecution or defense of the cause, for the impecunious person as if all the necessary fees and costs had been fully paid.
    (3) However, in cases where an impecunious affidavit is filed, the judge shall question the person who filed the affidavit at the time of hearing the cause as to his ability to pay. If the judge opines that the person is reasonably able to pay the costs, the judge shall direct the judgment or decree not be entered in favor of that person until the costs are paid. The order may be cancelled later upon petition if the facts warrant cancellation.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session